domingo, 23 de noviembre de 2014

Introduction - Conclusion (Horror films)


     Horror films are usually controversed, mostly people believes that being afraid seeing a film for about two hours is a waste of time, which is an ignorant and absurd point of view. Behind that continuous tension and frights, there are many different artistical aspects, such as the music, illumination and scene.


     In brief, independently you like or not these sort of films, you should appreciate all the little details inside this branch of the seventh art as much as I do. However, if you does not do it, try to be as respectful as posible with who think in a different way.

domingo, 16 de noviembre de 2014


Animal & human rights

I. Animal and human rights are usually on the public eye because of its moral and ethical significance. Obviously, humans are animals too, so, why should we difference between their rights? Honestly, I find that discrimination absolutely absurd. We are living beings, living in the same place.

II. "Animal" rights.
     A. How modern society respects them or not.
          1. Institutions and ONG's like WWF or F.F.A.
          2. Practise of some controversial events like bullfights.
     B. Habitat destruction.
          1. How it is getting increased considerably.

III. "Human" rights.
     A. They are respected by most of us.
          1. If it is not the case, penalties are extremely hard depending on the country.
          2. There are also unfair situations in our society which do not have any legal consequence.
     B. Critical situation in Africa.
          1. How most basic right (life) is being despised by Occident.

IV. The final question is: Until when will we consenting these situations? Maybe we realise of the relevant of the issue when it is too late.

domingo, 9 de noviembre de 2014

Making a parody (Or something like)

     This time, Adam, as known as Mr. Nightmares, was trying to escape from other terrible dream (surprised?). He was just walking aimlessly, when suddenly...BUM! You are in a lake, bro. Obviously our friend Adam was scared shitless. He was not able to see the horizon, perhaps because of the shock, or maybe because of his congenital myopia, who knows. In the middle of that confusing state, he felt something strange moving on his leg, it was a Mercadona bag trying to drag him to the depths (paying 5 cents., of course). He started swimming like the fucking Michael Phelps, but nobody can beat a lonely and angry supermarket bag.

     As usual, Adam woke up in the best part of the story, but he was not really awake. This time around, he found himself mostly wet in the Hogwarts Castle (quite logical). Then, he saw a mirror inside an empty room and started to walk slowly, scared stiff. When he looked at it, he did not see himself, as if he were in Harry Potter and Twilight at the same time. In the midst of this shocking situation, he saw a woman reflected in the mirror. It was Muriel, "Honey, we should visit a shrink", she said...

Original version

Animal & human rights (Introduction - Thesis)

     Animal rights are usually in the public eye because of its moral and ethical significance. Obviously, humans are animals too, so, why should we difference between their rights? Honestly, that discrimination should not exist. We are all living beings, living in the same place.

jueves, 6 de noviembre de 2014

Task: Write an opinion paragraph about something you really like but most people don't like at all.

     Electronic music is very important in my life for a simple reason, it makes me feel like if I were in a space free of any problem and concern. Sometimes, when I am angry or sad, the only way I can improve my frame of mind is listening to music. However, it not necessary for me to have a determined mood, but it is true that in these times I appreciate much more the little details. On the one hand, I must admit that the kind of music I listen to is a bit strange, because it is composed by many different "robotic" sounds. On the other hand, I feel proud of being a person who is able to see the beauty and harmony where most of the people only can hear noise. Regardless the kind of music you listen to, being more or less popular, the most relevant aspect is that you feel comfortable about yourself listening to what you listen.

(I can not resist adding a song too. This one is probably the best I have ever heard, and believe me, I have heard more than what you could imagine. ENJOY :D)

domingo, 2 de noviembre de 2014

Domestic violence (Problem-solution)

Domestic violence (Problem-solution)

     The gender violence is a reality in our society, machist society as I see. It has always been there, but, why? Obviously because of the absurd mentality of some men, who believe they are superior than women.

     Recently, it is increasing considerably, a real and worrying problem. Again, the reason is that machism inculcated from our childhood, in media, but above all, at home. It only depends on us, take it as a part of our way of being and personality or, on the contrary, refuse it and condemn it.

     A possible solution may involve to stiffen the penalties, increasing their duration for example. Anyways, I consider it a waste of time, because the abusers doesn't care about what is changing regarding laws and justice, if they want to attack their wifes or girlfriends, they will do it regardless the consequences.

     Another potential solution is to raising awareness from childhood. In this manner we ensure that respect and gender equality is what predominates in the future (prevention is better than cure). For this reason, I believe it is the most logic solution.

     To finish, I just can say that if we fight all together against machism as a united and mature society, some day we will finish with it.     

Advantages & disadvantages of social networks.

Advantages & disadvantages of social networks.     

     Nowadays, almost everyone uses social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram...), so it is not strange if I say that they play an important role in our lifes. Obviously, everything is not positive about them, they also have many different downsides.

     As for the pros, it is undoubtely that these sites spread information faster than any other media, something instantaneous and massive. In addition, they improve our social relationships, meeting people from any part of the world. Also, social networks offer a way for unknown musicians and artists to increase their audience considerably. Another positive aspect about them is the "crowdsourcing" and "crowdfunding", which allows people to collectively accomplish a goal.

     Anyway, it is not all sunshine and roses. For instance, they can be a real distraction for some people, spending more time on them than studying or working. Furthermore, there are many people who have the main purpose of offending other users, a phenom commonly known as bulliyng. However, perhaps the biggest social networks drawback is that they make identity thief easier, that is why a complex password is requested to us when we sign in.

     In summary, the pros and cons of social networks are so equaled, but with a few healthy habits we can minimize the disadvantages. Thereby, we only have to be careful and responsible with what we do inside that "little" virtual universe.