martes, 20 de enero de 2015



     Overfishing is a serious problem, which is present in different seas and oceans all around the planet. Marine life is being hardly reduced because of it, and doesn't seems to stop unless we adopt inmediate actions against it. A possible solution could be the creation of more fish farms. Also, the increasing of penalties could be a solution too. However, change this situation is something really difficult, that is the simple truth.



COMPLETE ESSAY: bullfights


     Nowadays, many people are against bullfights, but our culture still sees it as a way of entertainment and even a sport. This "sport" should be totally forbbiden all around the world, because if you kill an animal just for fun, you have a real problem.

     Bullfights are a shame for me as a Spanish person, they not only don't represent our culture, they give an awful image to other countries. In addition, people who like them, claim that the detractors like me don't understand this kind of art. The question should be: do they (people who like them) really underdstand the suffering of the bull? Honestly, I don't think so. They even believe that a brave animal such as the bull doesn't feel any pain when it is pierced by a sword, but I find this point of view absolutely ridiculous. Also, there is something quite intringing in this issue, and is that countrieslike U.S.A. or U.K., they are seemed as a positive reference of our culture, which is embarrassing. People who like them deserve exactly the same respect as the ones who don't, but that doesn't mean we had to permit the practise of these events.

     In brief, we shouldn't see this as something beneficious for us, because it's exactly the opposite. Is possible to entertain people without killing an innocent animal.

(Sorry for the brutality of the image, but it shows reality perfectly)

UNITY AND COHERENCE: electronic devices in our life

Electronic devices in our life

     Nowadays, electronic systems play an important rol in the majority of us. They have million users all over the world, but that does not mean that they do not have any disadvatages. 

     Devices such as smartphones, tablets appeared in our life in recent years, much later than computers, to make our life easier and be connected wherever we are. As the co-founder of Apple, Steve Jobs, said "What a computer is to me is the most remarkable tool that we have ever come up with. It's the equivalent of a bicycle for our minds.". In addition, they allow us to be with our loved ones even when they are far.

     However, all that glitters is not gold.  Electronic systems have some drawbacks too, for instance, they provoke us new conerns and worries that we did not have before. Moreover, they usually make us being more conscious of virtual world than real one. Geoff Johns, writer from DC Comics, said "The truth is, we're all cyborgs with cell phones and online identities.", and here we have other problem of these devices, hacking, which put at risk our safety on Internet.

     In brief, appliances like smartphones can improve our life or ruin it, but it only depends on the way we use them.

OPINION PARAGRAPH about university stress

University stress

     University students usually have a constant stress due to the number os subjects and, above all, exams. We especially feel a high pressure when final exams are close, because the entire four-month period or year is at stake. This stress should not be so severe and even chronic, since we are used to be under similar pressure in previous years of our education. Honestly, it is logical to feel that in these times, but if our health is affected because of it, we have a real problem.

domingo, 23 de noviembre de 2014

Introduction - Conclusion (Horror films)


     Horror films are usually controversed, mostly people believes that being afraid seeing a film for about two hours is a waste of time, which is an ignorant and absurd point of view. Behind that continuous tension and frights, there are many different artistical aspects, such as the music, illumination and scene.


     In brief, independently you like or not these sort of films, you should appreciate all the little details inside this branch of the seventh art as much as I do. However, if you does not do it, try to be as respectful as posible with who think in a different way.

domingo, 16 de noviembre de 2014


Animal & human rights

I. Animal and human rights are usually on the public eye because of its moral and ethical significance. Obviously, humans are animals too, so, why should we difference between their rights? Honestly, I find that discrimination absolutely absurd. We are living beings, living in the same place.

II. "Animal" rights.
     A. How modern society respects them or not.
          1. Institutions and ONG's like WWF or F.F.A.
          2. Practise of some controversial events like bullfights.
     B. Habitat destruction.
          1. How it is getting increased considerably.

III. "Human" rights.
     A. They are respected by most of us.
          1. If it is not the case, penalties are extremely hard depending on the country.
          2. There are also unfair situations in our society which do not have any legal consequence.
     B. Critical situation in Africa.
          1. How most basic right (life) is being despised by Occident.

IV. The final question is: Until when will we consenting these situations? Maybe we realise of the relevant of the issue when it is too late.

domingo, 9 de noviembre de 2014

Making a parody (Or something like)

     This time, Adam, as known as Mr. Nightmares, was trying to escape from other terrible dream (surprised?). He was just walking aimlessly, when suddenly...BUM! You are in a lake, bro. Obviously our friend Adam was scared shitless. He was not able to see the horizon, perhaps because of the shock, or maybe because of his congenital myopia, who knows. In the middle of that confusing state, he felt something strange moving on his leg, it was a Mercadona bag trying to drag him to the depths (paying 5 cents., of course). He started swimming like the fucking Michael Phelps, but nobody can beat a lonely and angry supermarket bag.

     As usual, Adam woke up in the best part of the story, but he was not really awake. This time around, he found himself mostly wet in the Hogwarts Castle (quite logical). Then, he saw a mirror inside an empty room and started to walk slowly, scared stiff. When he looked at it, he did not see himself, as if he were in Harry Potter and Twilight at the same time. In the midst of this shocking situation, he saw a woman reflected in the mirror. It was Muriel, "Honey, we should visit a shrink", she said...

Original version