Animal & human rights
I. Animal and human rights are usually on the public eye because of its moral and ethical significance. Obviously, humans are animals too, so, why should we difference between their rights? Honestly, I find that discrimination absolutely absurd. We are living beings, living in the same place.
II. "Animal" rights.
A. How modern society respects them or not.
1. Institutions and ONG's like WWF or F.F.A.
2. Practise of some controversial events like bullfights.
B. Habitat destruction.
1. How it is getting increased considerably.
III. "Human" rights.
A. They are respected by most of us.
1. If it is not the case, penalties are extremely hard depending on the country.
2. There are also unfair situations in our society which do not have any legal consequence.
B. Critical situation in Africa.
1. How most basic right (life) is being despised by Occident.
IV. The final question is: Until when will we consenting these situations? Maybe we realise of the relevant of the issue when it is too late.